League Descriptions

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Course Inspection is 1/2 hour prior to Race Time
Meet / Check in - 1-1/2 hour prior to Race Time
LeagueLeague TypeStart DateRace Time
BHTHURAdult - 13 and upJan 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb 6, 13
7:30 pm
BHSUNAKids + AdultsJan 5, 12, 19, 26, Feb 2, 9**, 1610 AM
DOUBLE RACE BHSUNA**February 910 am - 2nd race following 1st
BHSUNPAll Age - BONUS - 4 runsJan 5, 12, 26, Feb 2, 9, 16, 23*6 pm
*Sun Feb 23 - Early Race 6 pm*5 pm start time
BHMONAdult - 13 and up - Bonus 3 runs totalJan 6, 13, 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 247:30 pm
BHTUESAdult - 13 and upJan 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 25*7:30 pm
*Tues Feb 25 - Early Race 6 pm*6 pm Start time
BHWEDDAll AgeJan 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb 5, 12, 191:30 pm
BHWEDPAdult - 13 and upJan 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb 5, 12, 197:30 pm
Open Individual NASTAR Fun RacesOpen to AllThursday, Dec 19
Saturday, Jan 4, 11, 18, 25
Saturday, Feb 1, 8, 15
7-8:30 pm

Open Races

Ski Challenge Open Races allow for participants to take as many runs as they want in a certain amount of time.

Adult (teen) Leagues (13+) – League Description

For Adults and teens.  Ages 13 and over.  Younger kids are welcome to Guest Race if accompanied with a parent and follow our Guest Racing Policies.

Leagues:  Buck Hill Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday DAY, Wednesday PM, Thursday

Please note that these leagues are focused around adults and if you choose to sign your teen up to participate with you, we cannot guarantee that the atmosphere at awards will always be appropriate for kids.

All Age Leagues (All Ages) – League Description

For ages 4 and over. All ages are welcome to join teams, however, kids and adults will NOT be separated out for individual awards such as Fastest, Fast, Most Improved.  Teams will be be ranked together for standings.  Parents are NOT required to race.  These leagues may consist of more adults than kids.  If you are looking for leagues with more kids please see our ADULT + KIDS LEAGUES.

Leagues:  Buck Hill Sunday PM League

End of Year League Awards – Kids and Adults will be ranked separately for Fastest of the League and Most Improved of the League. Most Valuable of the League will be given out to one racer and can be either an Adult or Kid.

If an All Age League ends up with more than 10 girls and 10 boys under 18 years of age participating, it will be converted to an Adult + Kids League where individual awards are separated out.

FAMILY LEAGUE – Adult + Kids (4+) – League Description

PLEASE NOTE – In order for an All Age league to be considered an “Adult + Kids” league, we need at least 10 girls and 10 boys under the age of 18 participating.

Teams can consist of all adults, all kids, or mixed. 18 Year old and up are considered adults. 17 and under are considered kids. Separate awards for Fastest, Fast and Most Improved will be given to adults and kids. Teams will be be ranked together for league standings.

End of Year League Awards* – Separate Fastest of the League and Most Improved of the League for Adults and Kids. Most Valuable of the League will be given out to one racer and can be either and Adult or Kid. (*There are no end of year individual league awards for preseason leagues)

Parents are allowed to race out of turn if they need to help their little ones. Parents are allowed to guide young, inexperienced racers through the course. Check with the Ski Challenge Staff for specifics. Younger or inexperienced racers are welcome to start at the bottom of the start ramp. Parents are not required to race, but are strongly encouraged to attend the race. Ski Challenge will have one staff member at the top of the hill getting racers in order and instructing on how to participate in the race. Ski Challenge does not have the staffing to assist racers on the chair lift.

Younger, less experienced racers are allowed to slowly snow plow through the course during inspection and may also try the ramp during inspection upon Race Crew approval. More experienced racers are asked to follow the Ski Challenge inspection rules.

Leagues:  Buck Hill Sunday AM


Each participant gets to take extra runs (3 or 4 total) in the race.  Only the best time in each run will be used to determine handicaps.  The following are considered bonus leagues for the 2023-24 season*:  Buck Hill Sunday PM (4 RUNS TOTAL),  Buck Hill Monday (3 RUNS TOTAL)  * May Change back to a “normal” league if the league gets too big.