Tech Corner – Eric at Pierce Skate and Ski

Eric -Pierce Skate and Ski

How long have you been working on skis?
Got into this in 1998 and I have been at Pierce for 21 years.

What is the highest end athlete equipment you have worked on?
I have a handful of names: Isaiah Nelson (Current US Ski Team Member), Michael Ankeny (Former US Ski Team Member, Featured Athlete on the World Pro Ski Tour, Current Ski Challenge racer on BHTUES), and Paula Moltzan (Current US Ski Team) when she was with the Buck Hill team.

When a Ski Challenge racer brings in their skis, what is typically the biggest issue you see with their equipment?
I actually have a few:
Skis that have been worked on with a lack of information or misinformation. Sometimes people heard that a specific tune or set-up worked well for someone else and they, without knowing why, have it done to their equipment and it kills their performance. The other big issue is that people ‘overbevel’ their bases. Don’t touch the bases!
Not getting their race skis tuned when they get them. Factory tunes are not your tune!

How often should a Ski Challenge racer get their skis tuned/ground?
Ideally, once if you maintain and care for your equipment. The tune should last quite a while. If you notice that ‘something is off’, bring them in for a check-up.

How often should a Ski Challenge racer wax their skis?
As often and as much as possible! This is particularly true in cold, extra aggressive/abrasive, conditions.

What are three pieces of advice you would give any racer who waxes/tunes their skis?
Learn the importance of ‘why’ you need to do what you do. Don’t just do something because someone else told you to. Understand the tools you have and the gear you are on. Use the right tool for the job! This is important as too many people try to use tools that are not made for the task.

What are three tools that every racer/parent should have in their bag?
A good side edge tool and stone
A good quality iron
2-3 waxes you feel comfortable with

What are two things a racer should NEVER do to their skis?
Flat file (putting a file or stone on the bases) and trying to adjust the base angle
SEE #1!!! This is the number one thing you should NEVER do

IN YOUR OPINION: What is THE ONE THING that a Ski Challenge racer could do with their skis to help lower their HCP/times?
If you cannot tell: I like to have an understanding of the why of things. That being said; the number one thing an athlete can do is to work with someone to make sure they are in the right equipment and have a tune that works for them. Don’t just do what everyone else is doing.

Final Question: How many skis do you work on a season?
With our machine, we can get through 30-40 a day. We have a lot of demo skis/race skis that we work on during the summer as well. 12-15k a year?

Pierce Skate and Ski
208 West 98th Street – Bloomington, MN 55420
(952-884-1990 Phone
(888) 754-1996 Toll-Free