If the boot fits….. “Boot Doctor”, “Boot Wizard”, and “Guy who makes boot hurt less”: All are some of the names and nicknames that Ski Challenge racer Dave Hinz goes by. When he is not out at the hill helping with the Wednesday morning GS clinics, he spends his time helping Olympians, adult racers, High School racers, and the everyday ‘I go out west once a year’ skier with their boots. Ski Challenge sat down with Dave to discuss the importance of boots and what they can do, or prevent you from doing, for every skier.

Pictured-Current US Ski Team Athlete Isaiah Nelson after fitting with Dave
SC: How did you get into Boot Fitting?
DH: “Started 17 years ago at Pierce Skate and Ski. Learned from some other master boot fitters and then really dove into it around the 06/07 season. I ended up getting boot footing certifications and then I got REALLY into it and started to read medical textbooks on how everything works together from the foot, ankle, and muscles.”
SC: Who is the highest-end athlete you have worked on boots for?
DH: “Paula Moltzan, Issiah Nelson, Michael Ankeny—Just to name a few.”
SC: When an athlete comes in with a pair of boots that you haven’t worked on; What are some of the biggest issues you see with boot fits?
DH: “Typically, it’s when the boot hasn’t been properly modified for the foot. Many athletes have the thought that ‘My boots hurt, but they’re race boots so it’s okay’. THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HURT! If you are thinking about the pain: how can you focus on improvement or getting better? IF YOU ARE FIGHTING THE BOOT FIT AND TRYING TO GET BETTER: IT’S NOT GOING TO WORK.”
SC: Does EVERY racer need a custom footbed/insole? What about Canting?
DH: “Not necessarily. The first thing I do is to make sure the foot/arch is properly supported. This may take a custom footbed, but it may not. In my opinion: Canting needs can be more necessary due to an incomplete boot fit. Now, there are times when people need canting due to a skeletal issue, but not as much as canting is pushed.”
SC: In your opinion: How much does a properly fitted boot help with HCP or times? What is the time difference between a good boot fit and a poor boot fit?
DH: “Ha. It’s incalculable. I have had athletes come in with an older pair of boots, get fitted, and the next time I see them they say things like ‘I went from a Cadillac to a Porsche!’ or ‘I can feel the ski a lot more now’. Really hard to put a raw time on those statements”
SC: What’s the average lifespan of a boot?
DH: “This another tough question as it’s based on usage. If the boot is properly taken care of, and you ski on it a couple/few times a week? You can get 3yrs or so before the liner starts packing out and you have to start buckling tighter/etc. I believe that every 5 years or so the technology or materials change enough that you should look at a potential change. Boot technology has come a long way since I have been doing it and now.”
SC: Final Question: How many Boot fittings do you do a year?
DH: “I would have to guess 300-400 a year? I did some math and I think I have about 22,000 hours into just boot fitting.”