Padraig’s Place Needs your Help!

Padraig’s Place needs your help! As most of you know, Padraig’s Place is an amazing Adaptive Ski and Snowboard program and Buck Hill and now Wild Mountain. Their mission is to “enrich the lives of special needs children and their families by presenting available resources to them; thereby, allowing the family to focus on family rather than a disability.” As the organization continues to expand, so does their need for volunteers. Padraig’s Place is asking for volunteers at Buck Hill on Saturday mornings and Monday nights as well as at Wild Mountain on Sunday evenings. These volunteers would provide help and support to the instructors.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, but you are hesitant because you don’t have any teaching experience, fear not! As long as you’re proficient on skis, you would be a great help. If you’re interested, please contact Brian Foley or Annie Peterson. Annie can be reached at or 612.965.1785. You can also submit your contact information and get more info at