2023 Week 3 News & Notes


Team photos will be created digitally for everyone to download for FREE.  We will also make one printed copy for each team to be used in league first place plaques.  If your team doesn’t win the league, we will give you your printed photo at week 7 awards.

Wild Mountain Team Photos are scheduled for the following races:

  • WMFRI – Week 5 – February 3
  • WM Sunday Races – Week 5 – February 5

Buck Hill Team photos are scheduled for the following races:

  • BHWEDD – Week 3 – January 25
  • BHWEDP – Week 3 – January 25
  • BHTHUR – Week 4 – January 26
  • BHSUN AM & PM – Week 4 – January 29
  • BHMON – Week 3 – January 30
  • BHTUES – Week 4 – January 31


Unfortunately, we ran out of time to get a printed newsletter for week 3 done in time to get to the Wild Mountain Friday and Sunday races.  The digital E-news covers everything in the printed newsletter.  Follow the links and find all the information you need to find!  Look for a printed version next week.


Did you know you can fill open spots on your roster at any time? Even after week 3? The best thing to do is fill your 10 roster spots before the season. But we understand that people commit and then drop out at the last minute. We also understand that occasionally someone gets hurt or just can’t race anymore.

If you have a spot filled by someone who now can’t race, you can “sell” their spot to someone else. Just make sure that you notify the Ski Challenge office and have them check in at the registration table before racing. That way we can make sure they are in the computer and get their proper points and medal.

Ski Challenge budgets and rates are based on how teams are filled. By filling your team, you help keep fees down. Unfortunately, when rosters aren’t full, the fixed costs need to be spread out among fewer racers, so fees rise.


You only need to check in once at your league races.  Once you have signed a waiver, paid, checked in, and picked up your bib and T-shirt you are set for the season.  If someone ends up replacing you mid season, you must check in with the Ski Challenge office to make sure we have all the information needed for the new racer.  Then you can transfer your bib to them.


Unfortunately, we’ve had a bumpy start to the season with the weather. Luckily, we’ve been able to schedule make-up dates. A few leagues are now behind on weeks. We will just keep the weeks going consistently and finish up with week 7 for each league.

  • BHTUES – extended to February 21
  • BHWED day and PM – extended to February 22
  • BHMON – tentatively extended to February 27

We understand that some “normal” colder weather is coming at the end of January – the beginning of February. It’s a lot easier and safer to race in colder temps than rain and slush! So, bundle up, and let’s race!


You are allowed to guest race two times per regular season race league. The fee is $15.  We recommend that all guests register and pay online at least TWO hours prior to course inspection.  If you are unable to do this, you can show up at the hill and pay and sign up there.  Follow this link to register:  GUEST REGISTRATION  .

If you plan on racing more than twice for a specific league and there are still open spots on teams, you will need to join the league.  If all spots in the entire league are filled, then you may race as a guest more than twice per league.

The day of your guest race, check in at the registration table up to an hour prior to inspection.  You will get a temporary bib for the race.  You can race anywhere in the order.


This Sunday is a double race!  Our first race will start at the normal race time.  9:30 Inspection, 10 am race.  Everyone will take one run on each course based on the running order for the first week of the two weeks we are covering.  Once everyone has gotten their one run in each course complete, the course setters will tweak the course and make some minor adjustments.  Everyone can slip the courser and then we will start the next race based on the next week running order we are covering.

The awards ceremony will follow the completion of the second race.  It will be an abbreviated awards ceremony for each of the two races.  We will still honor Fastest, Fast and most improved of each race and then will shorten team awards depending on where we are at with time.

Having Double Headers is the last thing that we want to do.  We appreciate your patience and understanding with this situation.