Guest Racing – Try-It Racing



You are allowed to guest race two times per regular season race league. The fee is $15. We recommend that all guests register and pay online at least two hours before course inspection. If you cannot do this, you can show up at the hill, pay, and sign up there. Follow this link to register: GUEST REGISTRATION.

If you are guest racing with a specific team, your score will NOT count toward the team.  You need to be a current member of the team to count.  If you join the team after your guest race, we can move your score into that team for the particular week you guest raced.  You guest payment of $15 will be applied to your overall league fee of $180.

If you plan on racing more than twice for a specific league and there are still open spots on teams, you will need to join the league.  If all spots in the entire league are filled, you may race more than twice per league as a guest.

On the day of your guest race, check in at the registration table up to an hour before inspection. You will get a temporary bib for the race. You can race anywhere in the order. We ask that you go between teams. Our league teams consist of 10 numbers.

If you are new to Ski Challenge and want to try it out, scroll down for more information and learn how to get a free Guest Pass. Lift tickets must be purchased separately.

We do not allow guest racers at Individual Championships or State Championships.


If you would like to try out Ski Challenge before signing up for a race series, you can participate as a guest racer.

Guests are invited to race at any Ski Challenge race. If you are new to Ski Challenge, you can try it for free the first time.  PLEASE NOTE, FREE TRY ITS ARE FOR GUESTS WHO HAVE NEVER RACED BEFORE.  If you have guest raced before or have been part of a Ski Challenge League, you need to sign up as a guest and pay $15.  (No Try-its for the Open NASTAR nights)

If you are currently signed up for a race series and you bring someone new to TRY-IT, you and your guest can guest race for free!* Fill out the Try-it form and specify that you are bringing a new friend.

Find the Try-It Registration form here:  TRY-IT

** Lift tickets must be purchased.