12 events found.
Dirtbag Invitational Golf Tournament Benefit
Deer Run Golf Club 8661 Deer Run Drive, Victoria, MN, United StatesBenefiting Special Olympics of Minnesota Grab your golf clubs and hit the links to support Special Olympics Minnesota! Join us for a day of golf, dinner, and prize drawings. Donation to Play: $135 Sponsorship Opportunities Available Got to the website and sign up!
Gear West Pig Out & Winter Gear Sale!
Gear West 1786 W Wayzata Blvd, Long Lake, MN, United StatesHoigaard’s Tent Sale
Hoigaard's 5425 Excelsior Blvd., St. Louis Park, United StatesBuck Hill Ski Swap
Buck Hill 15400 Buck Hill Road, Burnsville, MN, United StatesSee site for equipment check in dates and times
Pierce Oktoberfest Sale
Pierce Skate and Ski 208 West 98th Street, Bloomington, MN, United StatesResi Stiegler Poster Signing - Saturday, October 5 - 1-4 pm